✈ HTML : Hypertext Markup Language contains the set of components/keywords (known as tags) that we use to create the web pages.
✈ CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) : Used for adding styling (colors,borders,alignments etc) to the web pages.
✈ JavaScipt: It is used when we want to perform dynamic action on HTML elements. Example : To get data from user, to send data to server, to perform calculations.
✈ jQuery : It is a Javascipt library that simplifies the JavaScript functions like event handling, animation, server calls etc. It provides short syntax of JavaScript functions.
✈ Angular : Angular JS (version 2.0 and 2.0+) is the front-end Javascript framework (not a library) that is made by using Javascipt and TypeScript.
✈ ReactJS : Open-source JavaScript library (not a framework) used for creating user interfaces specifically for single page applications. It uses MVC(Model - View - Controller) pattern.