{{ AngularJS }}
AngularJS the “superheroic JavaScript framework” is a complete JavaScript-based open-source front-end web application framework mainly developed by Google and individuals communities and corporations for developing single-page applications more rapidly,effectively and efficiently.
Image source : https://angularjs.org
Basically AngularJS is the frontend part of the MEAN stack, consisting of:
Image source: https://www.airpair.com |
- MongoDB database,
- Express.js web application server framework,
- Angular.js itself, and
- Node.js runtime environment.
JavaScript framework vs JavaScript Library ?
JavaScript framework: It describes the structure of the application and a way,method to organize the code to make your applications more innovative and responsive.
JavaScript Library: A library give us many predefined methods,functions that a developer can call and use to improve and extend application.
How AngularJS works ?
The AngularJS framework works by first reading the HTML page, which has embedded into it additional custom tag attributes. Angular interprets those attributes as directives to bind input or output parts of the page to a model that is represented by standard JavaScript variables. The values of those JavaScript variables can be manually set within the code, or retrieved from static or dynamic JSON (javascript object notation) resources.AngularJS is written in TypeScript, JavaScript and it is built on the belief that declarative programming should be used to create user interfaces and connect software components, while imperative programming is better suited to defining an application's business logic.
Two-way Data Binding in AngularJS
Two-way data binding is its most usable and largely relieving the server backend of templating responsibilities. AngularJS detects changes in models by comparing the current values with values stored earlier in a process using directives. Angular detects changes to the model section using $scope service and modifies HTML expressions in the view via a controller.- October 20, 2010 was AngularJS’s initial release date and AngularJS 2.0 was announced at the ng-Europe conference 22-23 September 2014.But due to huge change on 2.0 version it created considerable controversy among developers. Angular 2 is basically not a version upgrade, but a complete rewrite code.
- 4.0 version might released instead 3.0 version of AngularJS and AngularJS 2.0.1 (stable) was released on September 24, 2016 .
Why AngularJS ?
- AngularJS is backed by an active community of developers.
- Built-in Dependency Injection feature.
- High performance in single page applications.
- Commendable Developers controls (use of directives).
- Seamless real-time app testing.